Published by Chris on November 30, 2015

The Daffodil – AKA Narcissus Plant in the UK

So winter is fast approaching and many of the domestic gardens in the UK have now shut down in preparation to survive this cold winter we are expected. However, one of the bulbs / plants you should be planting right now is the common Daffodil, which blooms in early spring. Typically when people see the Daffodil and it’s bright yellow colour, it signifies the new spring year where plants and other crops can grow in the warmer climates.

The Daffodil Background Info:

The variety are ancient to woods and meadows in southwest Europe and Northern Africa. The Daffodil is not only a well developed species but it’s also a wild plant which has naturalised and were introduced ahead of the tenth century in to the Far-East. Narcissi tend to not be short plants, which grow by choice, but are also bug-pollinated. Some Narcissus species are becoming extinct, while increasing urbanisation and tourist threatens the others.