Published by Chris on September 28, 2016

Enjoying your garden in the winter

With winter just right around the corner, you may feel pretty tempted to draw the curtains until spring arrives in 2017. We can understand that, but it is important to know that there are still some relatively mild days left, meaning there is still a few days where you can enjoy relaxing in the garden, even if you need to wrap up wearing a thick jumper, hats and a scalf. If you have a chiminea why not put a few logs on and unwind with a book in the cosy warmth. Or if you want to entertain guests outside, invest in a heating system and make your heating area nice and toasty. Just because the weather gets a bit colder and the nights get darker quicker, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy time in your garden until next year. Keep on using your garden this winter, we know we will.